
Issue 18, September 2013

September 2013 editorial

As the EU’s response to the crisis prescribes more austerity, the recession becomes even deeper and the way out of the tunnel seems even more distant. In this gloomy setting, exploiting the natural environment is seen by troubled member states as a quick-fix solution for rapid economic recovery. The news reported in the current issue fuel both concern and hope. Loss of important environmental acquis in Italy, Spain and Greece and political obs...

Mass anti-gold protests rock Romanian Government

Triggered by a Government legislative initiative that allows extraordinary rights to Rosia Montana Gold Corp. (largely owned by Canadian group “Gabriel Resources”, massive protests have swarmed Romania’s major cities. The tailor-made law was submitted by PM Victor Ponta to the Parliament in the end of August and voting probably will take place in November....

Greece’s woodlands fall prey to myopic crisis policies

In a draft law rushed through a 7-day public consultation process, the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change proposes the declassification from protection status of over 15% of Greek territory. The aim of this act is to allow for the development of touristic and industrial uses on lands currently protected under the national Forest Code, on the basis of article 24 of the Greek Constitution. Through the proposed amendments, the State...

Italy’s protected areas undermined by draft law

Through an urgent legislative procedure, the Senate of the Republic of Italy is currently discussing draft law 119 on “New provisions relating to protected areas”. The urgency and a series of provisions included in the draft law have caused the reaction of environmental organisations and the Parks Federation (Fedeparchi)....

Spain: fewer wildfires, more problems in forest protection

As the 2013 wildfire season has not yet ended, Spain has been fortunate to experience fewer in number and less devastating wildfire incidents, compared to previous years. This however was the consequence of a relatively mild summer and high levels of springtime rainfall - not the result of properly equipped and coordinated wildfire prevention and combatting mechanisms....

Denmark invests in green future

Denmark’s 2014 budget includes spending provisions that aim to boost green economic activity and invest in nature conservation. Environment Minister Ida Auken has announced a strategy, which she hopes will bring about a green paradigm shift. Initiatives in recycling, sustainable food and a low carbon economy will receive 800 million kroner (?107 million €)....

Policy highlights, September 2013

1.European Commission: The EU's neighbouring economies: managing policies in a challenging global environment (23 August 2013). 2.IMF, World Bank, et al: Conference on Harnessing Natural Resource Wealth for Inclusive Growth and Economic Development (18 September 2013)....

Media – Web, September 2013

Debt, underpricing of finite assets are shaky foundations of cracking growth | The Economic Times (24 August 2013) “Driven by massive monetary stimulus, the performance of financial markets, especially stocks, has decoupled from a moribund real economy. Financers assume the rise in equity markets anticipates an economic recovery. But there are reasons why the world may be entering a period of low or no growth. Growth is a relatively recent...