
Issue 8, October 2012

October 2012 editorial

Since the spread of the economic crisis to the EU, following the default of US banks in 2008, 19 EU leader summit meetings have focused exclusively on structural adjustment and austerity policies aimed at harnessing the stampede of the common currency to collapse. Sustainability and environmental policies are notoriously absent from the agenda. As the world’s eyes are turned upon Europe amidst fears of a crisis transfusion to developing economi...

Dramatic decline of Greek mountain tea

Scientists from the National Agricultural Research Foundation ring the alarm of natural herb depletion, apparently as a result of the economic crisis. During the last two years illegal harvesting of mountain tea (Sideritis raiseri and Sideritis clandestina) and oregano (Thymus spp.) has skyrocketed....

Privatisation of water utilities raises concerns

The issue of privatisation of water utilities, primarily in countries under the European Financial Support Mechanism (EFSM), and the role of the EU in pushing for the sale of public water utilities raises considerable unrest.  Following on from the May 15th “Open letter to EU Commission on water privatisation”, signed by 21 NGOs, a written question on “Privatization of water by the Troika” was addressed to the EC by MEPs of the Greens/E...

UK Government reshuffle heralds departure from green agenda?

The British Government went through a reshuffling fragranced with a strong anti-environmentalist scent.   Transport Minister Justine Greening was replaced, apparently as a result of her opposition to controversial plans for the construction of a third runway at London Heathrow airport. The Environment Secretary was also replaced by a member of the Conservative Party who is thought to be a climate change denier and a...

Hopes for true Robin Hood tax fade…

Leading the process for a tax on financial transactions, the Finance Ministers of Germany and France Wolfgang Schaeuble and Pierre Moscovici sent a joint letter to EU state leaders, proposing enhanced cooperation for the establishment of a common FTT.  The Schaeuble-Moscovici letter of September 28th however does not include any mention to commitments on the allocation of the collected revenue. Hence, hopes for a true “Robin Hood tax”, whic...

Media-Web, October 2012

O.E.C.D. Warns of Recession in Germany | The New York Times (6 September 2012) Osborne to reject pleas on green tax subsidy  | The Financial Times (15 September 2012) Is EU environmental legislation in decline? by Matthias Groote | ENDS Europe (25 September 2012)...