April 2013 editorial
There is obviously no easy way out of the economic crisis for the EU. What is certain however, is that although certain fiscal indicators have shown slight improvement, critical parametres of social welfare and natural capital conservation have rapidly deteriorated. The natural environment is seen by troubled member states as an infinite resource for quick economic recovery. This is clear evidence that the current political recipe is not intertwined with social and ecological sustainability.
The rejection by the European Parliament of the Commission’s proposal for a bailout to the EU’ Emissions Trading Scheme, the political impasse on the issue of bee colony mortality by certain insecticides and the overall lack of ambition for truly sustainable policies seem to mark the first trimester of 2013.
We sincerely hope you find this bulletin on the environmental dimensions of the crisis interesting and useful to your work. Please share with us any information you consider “hot” and relevant.
Theodota Nantsou, WWF Greece & Isabella Pratesi, WWF Italy