
EC report shows reduced generation of hazardous waste in EU27

A slight decrease in the total quantity of hazardous waste generated in the EU 27 was recorded by the EC, in the framework of Regulation 259/93. The report, which analyses the data submitted by member states to the Basel Convention Secretariat and the Commission, covers the period 2007-2009 and concludes that the decrease is most probably a result of the economic downturn.

 According to the report, “With  about  19  million  tonnes  annually,  Germany  had  the  highest  quantities  of  hazardous waste  generated  in  the  period  2007-2009,  followed  by  Italy9,  Estonia10, France,  United Kingdom  and  Poland.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  the  quantity  of  hazardous  waste  generated decreased  significantly  in  2009.  Quantities rose significantly in Poland between 2007 and 2008. 

In terms of hazardous waste generated per capita, Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal and Germany had the highest figures for the period 2007-2009. The lowest quantities per capita were recorded in Latvia, Romania, Lithuania and Greece.”

SourcesEC report on implementation of Regulation 259/93 on shipment of hazardous waste

Last modified onThursday, 04 May 2017 16:13
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