
Media-Web August-September 2012

Steel plant dispute could damage Italy's credibility –minister | Reuters (14 August 2012)

Vestas loses 1,400 jobs as wind sector faces crisis | Energy & Environment Management (24 August 2012)

Tunisia leading the fight against ‘odious debts’| Triple Crisis (28 August 2012)

Eurozone demands six-day week for Greece | The Guardian (4 September 2012) 

European churches call for a green economy | Episcopal News Service (5 September 2012)

U.S. environmental laws hamper economic growth | The Voice of Russia (5 September 2012)

For more information, please contact Theodota Nantsou, Policy Coordinator, WWF Greece, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +30 6982471722


Last modified onThursday, 04 May 2017 17:12
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