
Media-Web, March 2013

On The Eurozone Crisis And The Danger It Poses For The EU, by George Soros| Social Europe Journal (5 March 2013)

The Cyprus bail-out - Unfair, short-sighted and self-defeating | The Economist (16 March 2013)

Cyprus: a lesson for life | Times of Malta (19 March 2013)

Member states and MEPs expected to clash over CAP| European Voice (21 March 2013)

CAP conclave: Hiding behind a green smokescreen, by Ariel Brunner of BirdLife and Pieter de Pous of EEB | Euractiv (25 March 2013)

EU to Start Debate on Energy, Climate Rules Amid Crisis | Bloomberg (27 March 2013)

For more information, please contact Theodota Nantsou, Policy Coordinator, WWF Greece, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +30 6982471722

Last modified onThursday, 04 May 2017 15:52
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