
Policy highlights, March 2012

Excerpt from the executive summary:

“EU   environmental   policy   is   facing   a   new   and challenging   context.   The   current   economic   and financial preoccupations in Europe are unlikely to fade away   quickly.

  It   is   difficult   to   forecast   when instabilities in financial markets,  uncertainties  over economic and job prospects and pressure to maintain austerity regimes will end. The crisis in the Eurozone has  led  to  bigger  questions  concerning  the  role  of regulation  and  aspects  of  the  EU  project  itself; particularly  but  not  exclusively  in  the  UK  where political  tensions  have  been  brought  to  the  fore  in recent  months.  Details of a new inter-governmental agreement   on   the   economic   governance   of   the Eurozone are currently being negotiated. Most existing EU    policies,    including    those concerning    the environment, are  not  likely  to  be  affected  by  this agreement.  However, the political repercussions and dynamics of the  new  economic  governance  structure are yet to unfold and may spread beyond the arenas of fiscal and budgetary policy. 

For   these   reasons,   conditions   for   the   further development of a proactive EU environmental policy may   not   look   favourable.   Nonetheless,   several environmental challenges call for a response as a matter of urgency, both within Europe and on a global scale. Many of these issues need to be addressed at a European  level  and  there  is  a  clear  link  to  the  single market  as  well  as  the  ecological  integrity  of  the continent. The current economic situation also offers a number    of    opportunities    for    promoting    the environmental policy agenda, particularly in view of fostering an efficiency revolution.  It has given an impetus to concepts such as the green economy, green growth,    resource    efficiency    etc., which are increasingly reflected in mainstream political discourse both in the EU and domestically. Thus, even in  a  period  of  economic  recession  and  political upheaval,   the   environmental   perspective   should remain  a  cornerstone  of  strategies  for  the  future economy.”

According to the press release issued by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on March 15th:

“As countries struggle with the immediate challenges of stretched public finances and high unemployment, they must not neglect the longer term. Action needs to be taken now to prevent irreversible damage to the environment.

“Greener sources of growth can help governments today as they tackle these pressing challenges. Greening agriculture, water and energy supply and manufacturing will be critical by 2050 to meet the needs of over 9 billion people.” said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.”


Last modified onThursday, 04 May 2017 16:28
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