
Policy highlights

Policy highlights, September 2013

1.European Commission: The EU's neighbouring economies: managing policies in a challenging global environment (23 August 2013). 2.IMF, World Bank, et al: Conference on Harnessing Natural Resource Wealth for Inclusive Growth and Economic Development (18 September 2013)....

Policy highlights, May 2013

Aarhus Clearinghouse: European Court finds against UK on access to environmental justice (12 April 2013) OECD: Cities: green policies can contribute to growth (May 23, 2013) Bruegel: EU-IMF assistance to euro-area countries: an early assessment (May 2013). Bretton Woods Project: Climate Investment Funds Monitor 7  (April 2013).  ...

Policy highlights, April 2013

European Commission: Commission concludes in-depth reviews of macroeconomic imbalances in 13 Member States (10 April 2013). Olli Rehn, Vice-President of the European Commission. Europe’s Recovery from the Debt Crisis (19 April 2013). International Monetary Fund. The IMF and Environmental Policy. (29 March 2013). International Monetary Fund. IMF Sees Strong Growth, Lingering Risks in Low-Income Countries. (26 April 2013). Internation...

Policy highlights, February 2013

European Commission: European Economic Forecast – Winter 2013 (February 2013) Danish Energy Authority:  A bright side of resource taxation: Green production contributing to growth (November 2012). Friedrich Ebert Stiftung: Euro Crisis, Austerity Policy and the European Social Model  - How Crisis Policies in Southern Europe Threaten the EU’s Social Dimension (February 2013)  ...

Policy highlights, January 2013

Irish Presidency of the EU: Programme of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union 1 January - 30 June 2013 (9 January 2013) European Commission: December 2012: Economic sentiment improves in the euro area and remains broadly stable in the EU (8 January 2013)...

Policy highlights, December 2012

OECD: Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2013 – with perspectives on China and India (18 November 2012) COUNCIL OF THE EU: Greece granted two more years to correct its excessive deficit (4 December 2012) COUNCIL OF THE EU: Council closes excessive deficit procedure for Malta (4 December 2012)...