
Forests in Greece

According to mounting news reports, forests are subject to increasing logging pressures for domestic fuel use. WWF Greece conducted a preliminary survey with the local forestry authorities.

All forestry authorities stressed that due to lack of personnel, they were unable to conduct patrols and inspections, in order to verify the reports submitted by citizens. Increased pressures have been verified in the regions of Attica (greater Athens) and Euboea. Evidence of serious illegal logging incidents at the National Park of Strophylia has also seen the light of publicity. Purportedly in an effort to curb this illegal activity, the forestry department of the Decentralised Government of Attica issued licenses for logging in the forests of Lavrio and Dionysos, for the first time since the 1960’s. It however doubtful whether the local forest authorities will in practice be able to supervise the activity of the loggers, given the serious personnel cuts that have been imposed on the Greek public administration. 

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