Portugal trategic transport and sustainable mobility plan
According to reports from NGOs, Portugal's strategic transport and sustainable mobility plan (" Plano Estratégico dos Trasportes - Mobilidade Sustentável 2011-2015"), violates the EU’s Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive 2001/42/EC.
In a hasty effort to conform to the agreement with the Troika of lenders (IMF, EU, ECB), the Portuguese Government failed to conduct a SEA and hold the necessary consultation. NGOs, such as Quercus, call for a European Commission investigation. The European Commission is also held responsible in this matter. According to Quercus, the timetable imposed on the Government by the Troika, allowed no time to comply with legal requirements, SEAs and public consultations.
Sources: Quercus press release (in Portuguese), ENDS Europe.