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Policy highlights - February 2014

EU ECFIN: Energy consumption down by 8% between 2006 and 2012 in the EU28 (17 February 2014) Over the last two decades, gross inland energy consumption in the EU28, which stood at 1 670 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) in 1990, rose to a peak of 1 830 Mtoe in 2006 and then decreased to 1 680 Mtoe in 2012. Between 2006 and 2012, gross inland energy consumption in the EU28 has fallen by 8%.The energy dependence rate, which shows the extent...

Policy highlights, January 2014

Eurostat: Record level of 2.6 bn nights spent in tourist accommodation in the EU28 in 2013 (29 January)“In 2013, the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments1 in the EU28 reached a peak of 2.6 billion nights, up by 1.6% compared with 2012. Following a decrease due to the effect of 11 September 2001, there has been a steady increase in the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments in the EU28 since...

Media - Web, January 2014

2013: a year of missed opportunities for sustainability in Europe | New Europe (12 January 2013)“Can we hope for some light in the horizon, or is the deepening recession shifting attention away from the real causes of the crisis and sending governments on-board the tumbling boat of short-sighted development at any cost?Although there is no easy answer, the overall trend is clear: the environment and clean energy policies are being side-lined by...

Policy highlights, December 2013

1. Council of the European Union: ECOFIN meeting results (10 December 2013) “The Council updated its position on bank recovery and resolution and deposit guarantee schemes in the light of on-going negotiations with the European Parliament.  It adopted a decision deeming action taken by Poland to correct its excessive deficit to be insufficient. It issued a new recommendation, extending the deadline for correction of Poland’s deficit by one...

Media – Web, December 2013

Greeks line up to unregister their cars to save money | Deutsche Welle (23 December 2013) “Thousands more Greeks have unregistered their cars as the new year draws nearer. They said they could no longer afford to pay a motor vehicle tax with their real earnings having shrunk tangibly amid austerity.  Long lines of people were forming again on Monday in front of local tax offices across Greece as many car owners in the debt-stricken euroz...

Policy highlights, November 2013

1.European Environment Agency: Competing demands on Europe's environment undermining human well-being (20 November 2013). “Europeans depend on the environment to provide for many aspects of their material well-being, according to the report. Environmental pressures associated with our lifestyles seem to be decreasing, at least within Europe's borders. However, seen through the lens of resource use and well-being, European consumption is still...

Media – Web, November 2013

Transylvania revolts: Farmers against fracking |(27 November 2013) “But Ponta's government is facing an unexpectedly uphill battle in meeting their resource ambitions. In recent weeks the controversial Canadian-owned gold mine in Rosia Montana has been put on hold, forced into submission by waves of protests in city streets numbering tens of thousands. And in the latest public showdown, a fracking rig operated by Chevron further south, ha...

Media – Web, October 2013

MEPs call for stricter enforcement of EU environmental law | New Europe (24 October 2013) “MEPs have called on EU Member States to support the stricter enforcement of EU environmental law and endorsed the seventh EU environmental action programme. This programme that will run until 2020, will structure the EU's entire environmental policy, from water management to climate change....

Policy highlights, September 2013

1.European Commission: The EU's neighbouring economies: managing policies in a challenging global environment (23 August 2013). 2.IMF, World Bank, et al: Conference on Harnessing Natural Resource Wealth for Inclusive Growth and Economic Development (18 September 2013)....