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Policy highlights, February 2013

European Commission: European Economic Forecast – Winter 2013 (February 2013) Danish Energy Authority:  A bright side of resource taxation: Green production contributing to growth (November 2012). Friedrich Ebert Stiftung: Euro Crisis, Austerity Policy and the European Social Model  - How Crisis Policies in Southern Europe Threaten the EU’s Social Dimension (February 2013)  ...

Media-Web, February 2013

Greece Shows Us How Poverty Degrades the Environment | Huffington Post-The blog (23 January 2013) Crisis-hit Greeks chop up forests to stay warm | BBC (26 January 2013) Finding an Economic, Environmental Win-Win in Davos | PBS Newshour (27 January 2013) The CAP gets leaner, but not greener | Euractiv (14 February 2013) Fate of green CAP plans hangs on Parliament | Euractiv (15 February 2013) How crisis policies threaten the EU’s social...

Policy highlights, January 2013

Irish Presidency of the EU: Programme of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union 1 January - 30 June 2013 (9 January 2013) European Commission: December 2012: Economic sentiment improves in the euro area and remains broadly stable in the EU (8 January 2013)...

Media-Web, January 2013

Six Top Environment Stories to Watch in 2013 | Bloomberg (18 January 2013) Merkel’s Offshore Wind-Power Dream for Germany Stalls | Bloomberg (17 January 2013) Greece's Latest Fiscal Solution: Create an Ecological Crisis! | Mother Jones (14 January 2013)...

Policy highlights, December 2012

OECD: Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2013 – with perspectives on China and India (18 November 2012) COUNCIL OF THE EU: Greece granted two more years to correct its excessive deficit (4 December 2012) COUNCIL OF THE EU: Council closes excessive deficit procedure for Malta (4 December 2012)...

Media-Web, December 2012

A way to fill the Green Climate Fund, by Natalia Alonso, Tony Long and Jorgo Riss | European Voice (3 December 2012) Action plan for environment in 2012-20 strikes downbeat note | European Voice (29 November 2012) China's economy to overtake US in next four years, says OECD  | The Guardian (9 November 2012)...

Media-Web, November 2012

Asem leaders told: Counter crises effects with people-centered policies  | Philippine Daily Inquirer  (7 November 2012) Once a vision of peace, Israel's environmental institute in danger of closing  | Haaretz (31 October 2012) Economic crisis casts shadow over United Nations biodiversity talks | The China Post (22 October 2012) IMF gold windfall helps poor countries now but won't break cycle of debt | The Guardian (17 October 2012) Coope...

Media-Web, October 2012

O.E.C.D. Warns of Recession in Germany | The New York Times (6 September 2012) Osborne to reject pleas on green tax subsidy  | The Financial Times (15 September 2012) Is EU environmental legislation in decline? by Matthias Groote | ENDS Europe (25 September 2012)...